Figur / Figuration / Abstrahierte Figuration
Kalk / Kohle / Pigmente / Tinte / Grafikprogamme / Sand / Kombinierte Malmittel
Zeichnung / Gemälde / Verkohlung / Performance / Installation / Digitale Graphik

Figure / Figurative Painting / Figurative Abstraction / Fading Figurative
Lyme / Charcoal / Pigments / Ink / Watercolour / Mixed Media / Digital Graphic Programs / Sand
Drawings / Paintings / Charred Wood / Digital Graphic Design / Performance / Installation Work



Visiting an Exhibition

Visiting an exhibition of Swiss artist Eugen Liengme did not initially call to mind what is generally associated with contemporary art. Or did it? Connotations to different periods in art history reflect in some of the ways this artist visualizes his quest into rendering the human form:

  • nearly classical ones in the drawings
  • almost expressionist ones in the directness of the brushwork in the paintings
  • sheer archaic ones in the experimental use of fire and ember on the charred wood panels
  • ritualistically staged ones in the installation work
  • frescoesk in the way paint is made and applied

Leaving the exhibition I felt strongly connected to a process that links past and present. This artist explores ancient techniques and experimentally develops these to achieve acutely present results some of which are further enhanced by using the graphic potential of digital media. This work illuminates clearly how contemporary art is not an isolated phenomenon cut off from references to past achievements.

Vera Anosova, art historian, Moscow